Trump voters aren’t all MAGA, but they acted in Selfish, Stupid, and Reckless Ways
By Eric Blair
It is now just 7 weeks after the man, I derisively refer to as Agent Orange (after the Viet Nam era chemical defoliant and neurotoxin), as arguably the “most powerful person alive”,…has been elected…AGAIN! Last night he gave his State of the DisUnion address (more like ramble), to a nation he helped to fragment and to a government he, and his cronies, are dismantling: ironically – of his people, for his people, and by his people.
For that narrow majority which voted for a convicted felon, sexual predator, wife-cheater, tax evader, draft dodger, known bigot, billionaire oligarch, 4-time bankrupting “businessman”, and by all reckoning a person with a growing mental illness; some, if arguably many, are now claiming remorse at voting for him? Wow! Really?! So now, you have doubts?! It is your right to have buyer’s remorse. But were you ever educated about the principle of “caveat emptor”: let the buyer beware? What was it about his resume (including his disastrous 1st term – and attempted insurrection) that ever caused you to think he would do anything other than what he is doing?
Answer: You didn’t care! He manipulated you like hurt, petulant, whining children (brats more like – within you). He strutted around like a cock rooster, amplifying the wannabe Macho-man Chad’s (Incels) who proclaim educated women as “the problem” (instead of should-be servants). And the Karen-TradWives who claim to want all the benefits of being devoted to, and entitled like, a Chad; all behind the privileged veneer of whiteness, Christianity, and consumerism. That is the “character” aspect within you that he appealed to, and you voted from! How conservative and charitable of you…NOT either!
How, and why, would I ever trust a person of such poor cognitive abilities and such low moral or ethical standards? I cannot! It would be counter to good sense (which is not-so-common) but also all my years of learning from both success and failure. And, if you are so touchy, and feel insulted by this, what standards would you to evaluate your choices? Or can you even articulate these considerations in the question, without facing answers which reveal your own hypocrisy or double standards? Or worse, your own willful ignorance?
This is not about forgiveness, nor absolution of the sin of stupidity, but rather a probability statement that you will not learn from this mistake, anymore than many compliant Germans did after Hitler. Instead, you will want to hide from these facts, and continue to proclaim self-pity, as a defense. Neither represent acts of contrition, nor maturity; they would be merely groveling for abdicating, and absolving, any responsibility for your actions. You know, sort of like the Great Blamer you seem to admire and defend so ardently.
Even if I could find compassion for your deeper set fears (and I do) underlying whatever bizarre calculus could have led you to such ignoramus acts, I could not find any grounds where such an incredible avoidance of facts would cast you as anything but mentally ill or morally corrupt; but certainly not a credible or trustworthy adult. Admittedly, (like you) I have ceased caring enough about your (so-called) humanity or declared “rights”, – one way or the other; but I am aware that you, yourself, threw away your humanity in favor of creature comforts, your own prejudices, and indulgence of your emotional tantrums, instead of doing your civic duty as an informed grown-up, in this community of equal citizens in a democracy; not allegiance ONLY to your own in-group.
This is a terrible dilemma for me to acknowledge. I do not want to be in this position feeling such disdain for my fellow citizens, but your actions have placed these questions in sharp relief. At least, I can speak to it, instead of being viscerally riled and driven by resentment…like you! Conversations with his “supporters”, are not interactive, they are simply moments where I hear parrots list either overly simplified scripts programmed into them by bots – as if for robots, or throwing tantrums – spewing name calling like: “liberal” (as if liberty were a slur), “snowflake” (whatever that means), WOKE (a term no one has yet defined), or best yet…DEI commie. Huh? The only things loaded into such statements are not principles, nor factual arguments, just regurgitated (for the uneducated that means barfed or puked out) nonsense with a propellant of fear, hatred, and self-righteousness in venomous Grand Mal Dunning-Kruger tirades. They sound a lot like a Tourette’s outburst than a list of thoughtful economic arguments or defensible moral reasoning. Just programmed rationalization. (Maybe you should look these up? But, I doubt you will.)
What history has shown is when people like you are confronted, and held accountable for your actions, you tend to double-down, psychologically rationalize more bizarrely, and then — attack more fervently! Given that many on ‘your side’ own the majority of guns in America, we can reasonably assume that you will deploy them rather than own-up to your actions. I don’t need to prosecute you, because you have already self-identify as victims! But you will morph into perpetrators and persecute those who have called your credibility and guilt to the forefront. Donald Trump is the icon of a self-righteous ‘poor-me’ victim who, in-turn, feels justified toward revenge…(as he sees fit)! A bitter bully at his core, he becomes ruinous to all others.
Should I fear him or his threats, or you even? I don’t cower at the frothing idiocy. But I am correctly vigilant for, and leery of, the erratic actions of a crazed and hostile animal, completely infected with rabid beliefs and the perceived need to “kill or be killed.” As you have moved closer to totalitarianism, your inner landscapes are destroying the foundations of life: like a soul, morals, intellect, and kindness. All of which are made evident under the regimes of “strong-man” dictators. Your own murderous instincts, drenched in a corrosive vat of threat will grant permission to anyone, even yourself, to kill with impunity and digest it as: “I/we had to survive.” You are already set to allow such violence and claim “they deserved it.” Perhaps you should read (if you can) your own religious doctrine which states “thou shalt not murder.” And the big one, “thou shalt not take the name of the Lord in vain(ity).” Because many Christo-Fascist have transformed the “Prince of Peace” into the “god of war.” But, as betrayers of even your most acclaimed and hallowed rules, how can I/we ever let down our guard or let you back in with those who participate in democracy? And it is you, who made the division, moved away from a common good to support some “special interest” because you blindly refuse to recognize how you are being manipulated, prodded, and herded. In fact, you seem to relish the idea of a fearless leader (like Boris and Natasha), breaking it all up…(Elong Husk). And somehow, the pieces will just magically reassemble to your advantage? More like his and other billionaires! Since when have destructive bosses did/done anything but for their own benefit? Not the common good, and especially not ours, near the bottom. It was corporations, and their wealthy owners, who moved your jobs overseas or into automation, not your fellow workers just trying to get by. Now you all work at Walmart and buy from Amazon. Do you understand irony? How about self-inflicted wounds? How about just good old righteous denial?
And, how did Liberals or Democrats do this to you, again? You mean, they didn’t stop the people you just elected from destroying you, and so you blame Obama, Biden or Harris, instead of the wealthy 1%? Wow, I guess the Reagan-era education you received didn’t even include civics, government, ethics, basic arithmetic, let alone critical thinking, or simply the rule of “follow the money.” But you are all too smart for that, eh?
This is a question that I am pondering with great earnestness and gravity. Why? Because things will get worse before they get better. You and I, as average persons (of whatever ethnicity, appearance, gender, or religion) will fall prey to the Vampire Class of Oligarch billionaires that have just been unhinged from law and sensible regulation. Their technologies will ensnare and capture us, like unfettered cats cornering hamstrung mice.
I’m not sure what will remain? But, at the end of the day, you had a choice! But the selections you made may have removed future choices like: voting, free speech, human rights, earned pensions – protected by law; and other options like a clean environment, away from all of us. I cannot find any trust for anyone enabling actions that essentially harm all of our fellow human beings and ruin the planet we all depend upon. Maybe you are not to “blame” but we are all accountable; and because of your blindness to facts, we shall all suffer the same consequences! Thanks asshole, I hope you and your religion feel smug and superior now! The 1%, who in the guise of Donald Trump and his sycophant once honorable GOP Party – now cult, just pulled off the biggest deception and manipulation in history! And guess what? I bet they sure won’t have ANY NEGATIVE CONSEQUENCES. By definition, that is the way you recognize the real “elite” power holders: who is exempted from consequences?! Not just who is educated and genuinely meritorious. And few of them have neither exceptional intelligence nor detectable moral values common to the rest of us, just lots of money; that is the power to purchase anything, or anyone! I know you envy that! Yeah, as if you and they are “the same kind of people”. Hah! What a con-job they did on you; what a self-delusion you did within yourself.
At the end of all my rants here, my sadness at seeing the way you have denied reality, I still wouldn’t even want you to suffer! But that will be the harvest of what you sewed by planting (voting for) these weeds. I, for one, will pull up those weeds and confront this noxious blight as best I can. It would begin with the rot that infects your hearts, the idiocy the has collapsed your minds, but also asking you as a person: what would you do if you were in my shoes? Or, have you forgotten Jesus’s most important commandment of all: “do unto others AS YOU WOULD HAVE THEM do unto you.” In essence, Empathy! (Or has Elong convinced you “that’s bad” too?)