Of Gratitude and Appreciation

“Expressing gratitude to another, whether it be an acquaintance, a loved one, a stranger, or the Universe itself, acknowledges a cycle of energy exchanged. Like a circuit that completes a transaction, it returns to an open position and awaits a new transmission. Indeed, being open is a state of attraction in itself. But receiving energy…

God and Permission

For along time now, my observation about people invoking God was a means of granting themselves permission to carry out whatever act they themselves might deem questionable and do it with perfect impunity.

The Power of Love and the Love of Power

It was Jimi Hendrix who was prescient enough to realize that our struggle with love and power is the decisive battle of our time. How we share and utilize them, where we spend them, and what we do in their name is the foundation of what makes us God in our own Soloverse. There is…

Does God Need Us?

God, Version 10.0 has just been released. The qualities are as follows: quantum mechanics have replaced miracles. God’s word may now be read in the DNA molecule, Viral marketing has supplanted the proselytizing, and finally, money is the new manna. In this way all of what was once a “mystery” is pretty much solved. But…

Hate vs. Water

Religious wars are always heresy’s.  Is there any doctrine out there that actually says “I am God, go kill in my name?” Yeah, if you read the Old Testament God was quite into smoting and smiting. Be that as it may, the 3 religions of Abraham: Judism, Christianity, Muslim. (J,C,M) all claim the 10 Commandments…

The Divine, the Supreme, and the Omnipotent

It is the supreme act of personal power to declare for oneself what feels and is classified as divine…meaning important, exultant, and spiritually grand. But omnipotence, varying from the definition supplied by Christianity, refers to the willingness to allow oneself the voice and the courage to leap into life and to fly your ideas like…

Religion and God

Religion and God are not at all inextricably linked. While almost every religion claims the right to designate a higher power, what happens all to often, is the hierarchical authority claims to be the vessel of God…and no one else. I claim no such exclusivity or superiority. Religion and spirituality should be linked pursuits, but…

Being God is all about Power and Love.

Love is that indefinable sense of rightness that underscores the strength of any relationship. If God is Love, as so many religions and spiritual traditions tell us, and to seek love is the highest aspiration that a human being can achieve, then it must be that love is a power in itself. For those who…