Meet Stephen Cocconi – Citizen of Earth

My philosophy can be summed up in this phrase: “You are a Spiritual Being, on Human Path,” not the other way around. As an ordained minister of the Universal Life Church, I see myself as adviser and interpreter. I am a professional listener. That, is my gift from the GOD! I play god in my own life when I choose to provide my gifts, or not. The focus of my work is to assist you to realize a full life and to live it well.
As a Citizen of Earth, like all living creatures who inhabit this planet, I have come to believe that it is time to make a stand against intolerance, hatred, and extremism that justify these impieties in the name of GOD. It is time to STOP! I am a foil to all who profess doctrine and dogma as truth. Instead, I support the idea that while religions and philosophy and channeled material can be useful in pointing you in the direction of truth, the only Holy Truths are those that make you feel Whole!
Among the services provided by Stephen are those that focus on using spiritual principles in a down-to-Earth and pragmatic way. For over 20 years, I have supported people in learning about themselves with assistance of tools from from The Michael Teaching™ Principles into the No-Fault Communication Method™ and What’s Your Porpoise™ Seminar.
Additionally, Stephen is well versed in the terms and techniques of education and training for facilitating people’s difficult concepts and important life transitions. Hired as an Adjunct Professor in Information Systems Management for the College of Professional Studies with University of San Francisco (USF), I taught about paradigms in computer science and project management. In addition, I taught four years at Los Medanos Community College in Pittsburg, CA where I helped to establish both the online E-commerce and web design curriculums. I worked with Sage Seminars as a small group facilitator, in the 1980’s. And in a similar role with The Stanford Associates, in the 1990’s. Beside being trained by Wil Schutz to administer his “Human Element” Series in both work place and work shop settings, Cocconi has been a subject matter expert (SME) for IGeneration in the area of web site development and project management. I hold BA’s in Economics & Psychology, and a minor in Political Science from CSU Chico. I draw upon my experiences in both the private and public sector for insights related to business matters and world events.
I have recently lived for 5 years on the Big Island of Hawaii. I am now in Groveland, CA near Yosemite National Park, awaiting my next assignment from Essence. I am writing four books, and hope to have my first one published by Spring, 2011.
I must have accidentally touched a link while reading your email
message and found this site of yours. Wow. Love it beyond
words. Thank you. Sorry I’m so late to the party.
Thanks Terri! It is never too late for ideas. They might be out of fashion, but they are always around being thought of by someone. The question always is: Do they catch on and cause people to actually contemplate them?
Congratulations to both of us, Kassie! You are my first respondent! God get’s manipulated so badly by we humans; from scapegoat to charleton to dumping everything WE do onto “HIS will” and seldom realizing, “Hey, if I am made of GOD stuff, then, whatever I am doing is an expression of God through me? I hope to hear from you again. SC
Gooday Mate! 😉 Glad that you feel moved by the words. I sometimes am surprised how many people feel the way I do but see precious little addressing the topic. I hope you return and leave your words of wisdom.
Unearthed your website via bing the other day and absolutely love it. Continue the truly great work.
Thank you for the encouragement and the information. Grateful to know that there are folks out there that see our world/human situation the way I do. Blessings! SC